1: 1. Mold and contamination can form in feeders if not cleaned regularly. 2. Remove feeders every 2-3 days to prevent mold growth. 3. Clean feeders with warm soapy water and a brush.

2: 4. Choose feeders with easily detachable parts for effortless cleaning. 5. Dry feeders completely before refilling to prevent contamination. 6. Discard any moldy or spoiled food immediately.

3: 7. Remove feeders during rainy or humid weather to avoid mold. 8. Store feeders in a cool, dry place when not in use. 9. Regularly monitor feeders for signs of mold or contamination.

4: 10. Use natural cleaning solutions like vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. 11. Replace feeders every 1-2 years to maintain hygiene. 12. Install feeders in shaded areas to prevent bacterial growth.

5: 13. Avoid overfilling feeders to reduce spillage and mold formation. 14. Keep feeders off the ground to prevent pests and contamination. 15. Position feeders away from bird droppings to maintain cleanliness.

6: 16. Choose feeders made from easy-to-clean materials like glass or metal. 17. Rotate feeder types regularly to prevent mold buildup. 18. Secure feeders in place to prevent spillage and mold growth.

7: 19. Remove feeders if birds show signs of illness to prevent contamination. 20. Clean feeders in a well-ventilated area to prevent mold spores. 21. Monitor feeder activity to determine cleaning frequency.

8: 22. Consult with a veterinarian if birds exhibit signs of mold exposure. 23. Use bird-safe cleaning products to avoid harmful chemicals. 24. Disinfect feeders with a diluted bleach solution periodically.

9: 25. Invest in high-quality feeders to minimize mold and contamination risks. 26. Educate others on proper feeder maintenance to promote bird health. 27. Follow these tips to keep feeders clean and birds healthy.