1: Preserving yarrow can be done by drying. Here are some techniques to help you store this herb for future use.
2: Harvest yarrow when blooms are fully opened. Hang upside down in a dark, airy place to dry.
3: Once dry, remove leaves from stems and store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
4: Alternatively, yarrow can be dried in a dehydrator at a low temperature for a quicker process.
5: To retain potency, store yarrow away from heat and light. Use in teas, tinctures, or salves.
6: Yarrow's medicinal properties make it a useful herb for treating colds, fevers, and skin conditions.
7: Experiment with yarrow in culinary dishes like soups, stews, or even infused in honey.
8: Remember to label your dried yarrow with the harvest date for optimal freshness and potency.
9: Preserving yarrow through drying and proper storage ensures you have this versatile herb on hand year-round.