1: Yarrow Infused Oil Can Help Soothe Eczema and Psoriasis Symptoms Naturally

2: Harvest Yarrow Flowers and Leaves to Create Your Own Infused Oil at Home

3: Dry Yarrow before Infusing it in Carrier Oil for Maximum Benefits

4: Combine Yarrow with Olive or Coconut Oil for Skin Healing Properties

5: Allow Yarrow to Infuse for 2-4 Weeks for Potent Eczema and Psoriasis Relief

6: Strain Yarrow Infused Oil to Remove Plant Matter before Use

7: Apply Yarrow Oil Topically to Affected Skin for Soothing Effects

8: Store Yarrow Infused Oil in a Cool, Dark Place for Prolonged Shelf Life

9: Consult a Doctor before Using Yarrow Infused Oil for Severe Skin Conditions.