1: Discover how to attract hummingbirds without feeders by planting nectar-rich flowers in your garden.

2: Create a hummingbird-friendly environment with a water feature or misting system to provide hydration.

3: Offer natural sources of protein like insects and spiders, which hummingbirds also feed on.

4: Set up sugar water feeders in strategic locations to supplement their diet after removing feeders.

5: Utilize hummingbird-friendly plants like trumpet vine, bee balm, and salvia to provide diverse food sources.

6: Provide nesting materials such as soft cotton fibers and spider silk for hummingbirds to build their nests.

7: Install wind chimes or play recordings of hummingbird sounds to attract these tiny birds to your garden.

8: Avoid using pesticides in your garden to ensure a safe environment for hummingbirds and their food sources.

9: Follow these tips to help hummingbirds thrive even after removing feeders, creating a sustainable ecosystem in your backyard.